Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Learn To Play the Guitar Fast

When some people play guitar quick, we look at them in amazement and question whether it is possible for us to do the same? Let us review the situation and see if we can also do something to hurry our speed of playing the guitar. To get moving on this, you need a metronome, which is available from the local music depot, or you decide to win over your aunt to lend it to you, or you may quickly download it from the internet. A stolen metronome may not be able to help you to play the guitar fast, as there are largely no shortcuts to success in life. People who look for the easiest way out for doing things and it is no wonder that not many of us can master the art of playing the guitar with speed.

So you have a metronome and mentally prepared to get moving. Now you need something by which you can do your practice sessions and these could include a part of a song, which has a solo segment, an exercise like a series of arpeggios or a picking exercise. You need to choose your material carefully because you will need to know exactly how quick you want to play in terms of the settings on your metronome. You may or may not need to spend time learning your musical passage from scratch as some familiarity with the piece is necessary to start increasing how quick you play it. When you know the piece a little, it means that the muscles of your fingers, arms and hands support you as you play the piece and there is no point where you fumble.

So that is the next thing you want and in order to play the guitar fast you need to be able to play slowly. The part chosen by you for practicing speed should not be too easy, and at the same time, not too hard either. That is why it makes sense to choose an exercise to practice rather than a song or a piece which has a prolonged solo segment.

Now you are beginning to see the way ahead, if you have your practice passage ready, check it with your metronome and make sure you know what your present speed is. Then take the metronome to a level, which is not very high, and aim to reach that level. Let us now talk about something you do not need: muscular stress. You need to practice playing guitar fast without building a level of tautness in the muscles that will work against your goal. To avoid tautness, just stop thinking about the time you have your set goals in the metronome and you just try to accomplish that forgetting about the time you are taking. The idea is not to set the goal to play guitar fast in the future, but to reach your ambition taking slow but steady steps taking one day at a time.

So if you select a passage to practice in order to play quick, and you devote some time every day to practicing, your guitar playing speed will begin to growth. The day you find that you have mastered one passage, pick out another one, which is more difficult. The crucial issue is again to record your current level and then set a goal for reaching.

These are just some ways to learn to play guitar fast. To see reviews of the best programs to Learn Guitar visit